Honble Chief Minister
Honble Minister
Indian culture is unique in the world. This country is known more by its cultural history than geography. It is imperative to understand and preserve the threads of India’s art & cultural heritage. Since 1986, Department of Art Culture and Youth, Bihar is working for preserving the rich cultural heritage of this state for future generations and create a strong “Cultural Vibrancy” throughout the nation. In order to ensure cultural vibrancy department is continuously working with its four well established directorates. A. Directorate of Cultural Affairs, B. Directorate of Museum, C. Directorate of Archaeology D. Directorate of Student and Youth Welfare. Each directorate of Art, Culture and Youth department is significantly contributing in preserving the cultural heritage of the state through multiple schemes.
To envision and address the necessity of preserving the threads of rich Bihar Art and Cultural heritage at national and international level through its holistic development approach in the field of art, culture, archaeology and museums of Bihar. To work for the welfare of artists and establish the cultural footprint of Bihar at national as well as international level. Generating awareness and creating interest among public regarding importance of historical heritage and its conservation in Bihar. Bringing new dimensions of archaeology to light through archaeological excavation, exploration, publication and seminars.