
Shri Nitish Kumar

Honble Chief Minister


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Smt Sheela Kumari

Honble Minister


About Us

The Department of Transport, Government of Bihar (GoB) being a Regulatory Department is responsible for Implementation & Enforcement of various statutory provisions of MV Act,1988, Central Motor Vehicles Rules,1989 & other rules framed thereunder State Taxation Acts etc. to regulate Road Transport, Passengers & Fright Movement. For these Transport Deptt, (GoB) trying its best, thriving for Citizen Centric Transparent delivery of services, Responsive Governance through its field forces: 38 DTOs & 9 RTAs. During recent past the Department have tried for a sea-change in these offices for smooth delivery of services to the people , phase wise providing online services for the habitats of remote areas, peasantry and of weaker sections without necessity to visit the respective offices for their urgent needs. In addition this, Road Safety measure gaining momentum with new dimensions. The Department endeavors’ to strive for a harmonious relationship between the public and officials so as to serve the public better.


To provide the people of Bihar a fully integrated pro-active transport system and infrastructure which would optimally meet the articulated as well as latent needs of mobility and passenger/freight transport for different strata of the society, which is safe, reliable, efficient, cost-effective, innovative, environmentally friendly, modern and using appropriate technologies. Thus Deptt. Of Transport, GoB will thrive to be the best Transport Department of India.


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