Honble Chief Minister
Honble Minister
In the parliamentary democratic system, the role of the legislature is important. The legislature determines the direction of the state's work and motivates the executive to perform well according to welfare. Through various legislative works, such as legislation, budget placement, debate on issues of public importance, question, assurance, attention, etc., motivates the administration to work in accordance with the assumptions of democracy. The Parliamentary Affairs Department has an important role in the operation of all the above legislative works. Considering these requirements and expectations, the Department of Parliamentary Affairs was formed in the year 1972.
According to the Executive Manual, the following functions have been allotted to this department: - Preparation of the Governor's address for the joint session of the Legislative Assembly. Calling and Session of Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council sessions. Preparation of programs for the sessions of both the Houses of the State Legislature. Organizing and coordinating legislative and other government functions in Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council Formation and implementation of the Informal Consultative Committees of the members of the Legislative Assembly related to various departments. Monitoring of the questions, requests, attention of the legislation proposals and responses to the workplace proposals, implementation of assurances by the departments, and coordination for this work among the various departments. Coordination of action taken by various departments on the recommendations made by the Legislative Committee's committees. Counsel in matters related to the powers, privileges and responsibilities of members of the Legislative Assembly and Parliamentary system and work. All the work related to the salary, allowance and other remuneration of the Legislative Assembly, Presiding Officers and Deputy Presiding Officers. Contacting leaders and alumni of various parties. Various representations on the panel of Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council are kept by the departments. Allocation of government time for debate in the House on proposals communicated by non-official members. To agree on nomination of members of the Legislature for committees and bodies constituted by the government.