Honble Chief Minister
Honble Minister
The Revenue and Land Reforms Department deals with land management, land survey and settlement, land consolidation, land acquisition for different Central and State Government schemes and Agriculture Census of national importance. Moreover, Revenue and Land Reforms Department serves as Nodal Department with respect to national census. Under land management, government land is settled with landless families, homestead land is provided to those who are devoid of homestead land, raiyati land is acquired or procured on perpetual lease basis for the construction of connecting roads for those villages/tollas/mohallas, which are devoid of road connectivity. Under land survey and settlement, rent is fixed for different types of land, Revenue records are updated, land survey is done for different Revenue schemes, record of rights is prepared and same is maintained. Steps are taken by the department for fixation of rent, fixation of cess and also their collection and remission/abatement. Government Estates are maintained and jurisdiction of Revenue Officers/ Revenue Courts are also fixed. Different Revenue laws and rules are prepared and efforts are made for passing the same by the State Assembly and also State Cabinet. After completion of land survey, land survey maps are published and also district gazetteer is prepared and published by the department. The department manages for the settlement of those hats, Bazars, Melas and other sairats (including Jalkar Sairats), which are declared by the department as important from the Revenue view point. To control the activities of Money Lenders functional at village level, Money Lenders' Act has been notified by the department. To control, manage and distribute Bhoodan lands, the department brought into effect, the Bhoodan Yagna Act and also the Bihar Bhoodan Yagna Rules. As a result lacs of landless persons have been benefitted by getting Bhoodan Praman Patras. To prevent fragmentation of cultivable land, consolidation work is also being carried out. Moreover, for execution of various developmental projects, inter departmental land transfer is facilitated by the Revenue and Land Reforms Department.