
Shri Nitish Kumar

Honble Chief Minister


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Shri Santosh Kumar Singh

Honble Minister


About Us

The Department of Labour Resources has five wings, namely, Labour, Training(vocational education), Employment, ESI and Skill Development. The Labour Wing of the Department of Labour Resources enforces various Labour Laws and facilitates workers to get wages not less than the prescribed wages fixed by the department twice every year as per the provision of Minimum wages Act, 1948. It also ascertains Gratuity, Bonus, Compensation etc. to organised workers under various labour laws. Apart from enforcement of labour laws, department also execute social security schemes for Migrant workers, Unorganised workers, Construction workers and some schemes especially meant for vulnerable section of the society like Child labour and Bonded labour. The Employment Wing of the department facilitate youth for getting jobs through Counselling, Registration and Job Fairs. The Training (Vocational education) Wing facilitates imparting of vocational training through various Industrial training Institutes and promotes on job training and apprenticeship. The ''Bihar Skill Development Mission'' is the skill development wing and acts as the nodal agency for Skilling youth in the state , through its various programme like ''Kushal Yuva Programme" by imparting training to the youth aged between 15-25 on subjects like Basic Computers, Communicational and Behavioural skills. It also provides a common framework for coordinating and monitoring of other departments imparting skill training. The ESI Wing operates dispensaries under the ESI Scheme for registered beneficiaries.


The Vision of the Labour Resources Department is to provide social security net to all the workers of the state. It aims at effective implementation of the Labour Laws and at the same time desires Industrial Harmony and Economic Growth of the state. The Department further envision to provide various skills to the youth of the state to enhance their employability. The Department firmly believes that the skilling of youth is the only way through which the benefits of demographic dividends, presently enjoyed by the state, could be harnessed for the benefit of overall economic development.


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