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Shri Nitish Kumar

Honble Chief Minister


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Shri Bijendra Prasad Yadav

Honble Minister


About Us

Energy Department, Bihar, is a State Government Department, assigned to carry out all the activities of Power Sector, enforced upon the relevant Acts and Rules of Electricity, Power & Energy, co-ordinate among all the power utilities and stakeholders operating in the state and advice the State Government on all matters relating to Power, Electricity & Energy. The Department also implements various Power Projects sanctioned and sponsored by the State and Central Governments. Under the domain of this department, following are independently functioning body in the names of:

  1. 1. Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Limited: Under the plan activities, the BSP(H)CL prepares schemes on electricity generation, transmission & distribution. The state government provides funds for implementation of the scheme from its plan allocation and also obtains central allocation/funding from the Govt. of India. Its subsidiaries company are -
    1. North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited.
    2. South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited
    3. Bihar State Power Generation Company Limited
    4. Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited
  2. Bihar State Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited: BHPC has been established to harness the hydroelectric potential in the State. The BHPC conducts survey for this purpose and prepares the schemes on hydroelectric power generation. The State Govt. provides funds from its plan allocation and also facilitates funding, from the Central Government and Govt. of India Financial institutions.
  3. Bihar Renewable Energy Development Agency: BREDA has been established to promote development of schemes on non- conventional energy sources. It has been nominated as nodal agency to carry out the remote village electrification programme. The State Govt. provides plan funds to BREDA for expenditure on subsidies for the schemes and also for the expenditures on establishment.
  4. Electrical Inspectorate: The Electrical Inspectorate Office is responsible for observation & enforcement of the provisions of The Indian Electricity Act, 2003 and Indian Electricity Rules, 1956.


Bihar has adopted a long-term approach for energy sector to fulfill its vision to provide “Har Ghar Bijli” as outlined in 7 Nischay. The vision roadmap supports low carbon pathway to sustain the economic growth. The vision focus on increasing the number of state-owned power generation plants, with increased share of renewable energy, separate feeder for agricultural purpose, Demand-side management by improving the overall efficiency in distribution System and strengthening the distribution companies. This is tuned with the vision of SDG i.e. “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.


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