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Shri Nitish Kumar

Honble Chief Minister



Smt Renu Devi

Honble Minister


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Animal and fisheries resource department maintains the administrative control of different programmes launched under Animal husbandary sector,Dairy development and Fisheries Sector. It's activities in brief covers animal health care, Live stock product, Fisheries product, Dairy product and development, disease diagnostic programmes and animal welfare by implementing "Prevention of cruelity to Animal, Act" to name a few.


The Present milk production of the state is 6516 thousand MT per year. It has been targeted to take this production level up to 10035 Thousand MT per year by 2017 and to 14867 Thousand MT per year by 2022. The milk processing capacity is presently 2060 thousand litres per day which has been targeted to 8260 (thousand Litres) per day by the year 2017 & 13160 Thousand Litres by the year 2022. Presently the egg production in the state is 11002 Lakhs per annum which has been targeted to reach 216000 Lakhs per annum by the year 2017 & 234000 Lakhs per annum by the year 2022.The present meat production of the state is 218 thousand tonnes per annum which has been targeted to increase to 1314 thousand tonnes by the year 2017 & 1423.5 thousand tonnes per annum by the year 2022. The present fish production of 2.88 lakh MT is targeted to increase to 8.86 lakh MT in 2017 and 10.25 lakhs MT in 2022.


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